Conceptual database design components .
reEntity objects for which the data is collected, like humans, a real physical object or just a concept.
Example: the creation of individual entities Enternal Entity: an entity that dihunakan for exchanging data, but not stored in the database Attribute: unit facts about kira0kira specific entity. Relationship: an association / association between entities Business rule: policies, or procedures that organizations use the following standards and defining certain control over dat, n is often implemented in a database as a compositiolationship
Maximum cardinality : bilangan maksimum , contoh satu entity boleh dikaitkan
Transferable : relationships may be transferred if the parents which may change from time to time.
Conditional in one direction : means that a corresponding record may or not be found on the optional side of the relationship
Conditional in both direction: means that corresponding record may or not be found on the optional side of the relationship
Mandatory in one direction: means that a corresponding must exist on the mandatory side of the relationship
Mandatory in both directions: : means that corresponding record must be found on both sides of the relationship
One-to-many: indicates that are record in one table may be related to many (usually0+) records in another table.
Many-to-many: this can be thought of as one-to-many relationship that goes in both directions; many-to-many relationships are not natively supported in relational databases, but there are ways to convert them into something that can be handled.
Intersection data: data that is associated with two related entities in a many-to-many relationship, and which only makes sense when associated with both related entities; intersection data can beplaced (mapped) into a separate table to help relational databases handle the many –to-many relationship
Recursive: refers to relationships between instances of the same entity type
Graphical data model
Entities are represented by rectangles
Unique identifier (primary key) located in rectangle at top of the entity rectangle it is a unique identifier for
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Logical database design components
· Table: a 2-D logical structure like a grid where each row contains attributes about a single instance of the entity type the table represents , and each column represents a particular attribute
o Entities are sometimes split into two tables
o Different entities are sometimes merged into a single table (rare)
o Entities are usually named using a plural , while tables are named in the
Column: the smallest named unit of data in a database
· Columns must be given a data type.
· Data types help the database store data efficiently
· Data type restrict attribute values to the correct data type and provides a set of behaviors consistent with the specified data type (such as addition, subtraction. Etc. for numbers
· Unfortunately, different vendors support differing zoos of data types.
Constraints: rules that restrictallowable data values
Primary key: one or more colums that uniquely identify a particular row in a table
Ø The constraint is that duplicate values are not allowed in the primary key column(s) of a table
Ø Primary keys are usually implemented as an index
Ø An index speeds up searches
· Foreign key: afield on the many-side side of a one-to-many relationship that uniquely identifies one row in another table (usually by using the primary key in the latter table)
· Referential constraints:
Ø Can check for parent record when inserting new child record (using the child record’s foreign key to check for a matching parent record
Ø Don’t allow modification of child record’s foreign key if the new value is not reprensented by an istance in the parent table
Ø Can delete all matching child records when a parent tecord is deleted
· Integrity constraints: used to make sure field (atrtribute) values that are invalid are not allowed
Ø May check for a range of values, or specific valid values
Ø May check for NOT NULL
Surrogate key: a key used to replace what would be the natural key for an entity
Views : refers to the way different esers may see the same database differently
· Views are stored queries (virtual tables)
· Views can hide colums (cleaner , more secure)
· Views can hide tables (cleaner, more secure)
· Views can hide complex operations such as joins
· Views may improve query performance
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